
Monday, September 10, 2012

How to find a file in the ubuntu

In my experience ,I was intent to find my "tes.php" file in the ubuntu  where is usually locate in the folder /var/www/. But in the case we don't know where is the file locate, we can find a file in command terminal with the command below :

find / -iname 'tes.php' , if we already on the root previledge , but if not you should write with :
sudo find / -iname 'tes.php'

or we want to find file with particular extention, for example php. we can use :

find / -iname '*.php' or

sudo find / -iname '*.php'

and the files with extention .php will appear like the figure below.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Seeting Autocomplete Notepad++

How to set up autocomplete in notepad++.
Here is  my article about this topics. Its base my experience when i was write code expecially  in php.

In notepad++ we choose setting menu, after that we choose preference menu, and it will popup a preference menu, and then we must select "Enable  auto-completion on each input". We have two option here, but for internal function autocompletion of php we prefer to choose "Function completion".

Briefly, Setting up process whould like this :

setting>preference>select "Enable  auto-completion on each input" > "Function completion".

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to See Harddisk Capacity in Ubuntu

To see a capasity with ubuntu we can use 3 ways :
1. Is from the Graphical User Interface with this step below :
 Application > accessoris > disk usage analyser

2. Is from  Character User Interface or another is by Terminal Command (ctrl+alt+t)

After the terminal command is show up,  You can type :
df -h

and after that you will see particular disk allocation.

3. Is from third party program. I, my self, is prefer to use ubuntu default command.

I hope this article would bring good benefit even though its only a little.
